Source code for menpo.shape.pointcloud

import warnings

import numpy as np
import numbers
import collections
from warnings import warn
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

from menpo.transform import WithDims
from menpo.visualize import viewwrapper

from .base import Shape

[docs]def bounding_box(closest_to_origin, opposite_corner): r""" Return a bounding box from two corner points as a directed graph. The the first point (0) should be nearest the origin. In the case of an image, this ordering would appear as: :: 0<--3 | ^ | | v | 1-->2 In the case of a pointcloud, the ordering will appear as: :: 3<--2 | ^ | | v | 0-->1 Parameters ---------- closest_to_origin : (`float`, `float`) Two floats representing the coordinates closest to the origin. Represented by (0) in the graph above. For an image, this will be the top left. For a pointcloud, this will be the bottom left. opposite_corner : (`float`, `float`) Two floats representing the coordinates opposite the corner closest to the origin. Represented by (2) in the graph above. For an image, this will be the bottom right. For a pointcloud, this will be the top right. Returns ------- bounding_box : :map:`PointDirectedGraph` The axis aligned bounding box from the two given corners. """ from .graph import PointDirectedGraph if len(closest_to_origin) != 2 or len(opposite_corner) != 2: raise ValueError('Only 2D bounding boxes can be created.') adjacency_matrix = csr_matrix(([1] * 4, ([0, 1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 0])), shape=(4, 4)) box = np.array([closest_to_origin, [opposite_corner[0], closest_to_origin[1]], opposite_corner, [closest_to_origin[0], opposite_corner[1]]], dtype=np.float) return PointDirectedGraph(box, adjacency_matrix, copy=False)
[docs]def bounding_cuboid(near_closest_to_origin, far_opposite_corner): r""" Return a bounding cuboid from the near closest and far opposite corners as a directed graph. Parameters ---------- near_closest_to_origin : (`float`, `float`, `float`) Three floats representing the coordinates of the near corner closest to the origin. far_opposite_corner : (`float`, `float`, `float`) Three floats representing the coordinates of the far opposite corner compared to near_closest_to_origin. Returns ------- bounding_box : :map:`PointDirectedGraph` The axis aligned bounding cuboid from the two given corners. """ from .graph import PointDirectedGraph if len(near_closest_to_origin) != 3 or len(far_opposite_corner) != 3: raise ValueError('Only 3D bounding cuboids can be created.') adjacency_matrix = csr_matrix( ([1] * 12, ([0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [1, 2, 3, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 5, 6, 7, 4])), shape=(8, 8)) cuboid = np.array( [near_closest_to_origin, [far_opposite_corner[0], near_closest_to_origin[1], near_closest_to_origin[2]], [far_opposite_corner[0], far_opposite_corner[1], near_closest_to_origin[2]], [near_closest_to_origin[0], far_opposite_corner[1], near_closest_to_origin[2]], [near_closest_to_origin[0], near_closest_to_origin[1], far_opposite_corner[2]], [far_opposite_corner[0], near_closest_to_origin[1], far_opposite_corner[2]], far_opposite_corner, [near_closest_to_origin[0], far_opposite_corner[1], far_opposite_corner[2]]], dtype=np.float) return PointDirectedGraph(cuboid, adjacency_matrix, copy=False)
[docs]class PointCloud(Shape): r""" An N-dimensional point cloud. This is internally represented as an `ndarray` of shape ``(n_points, n_dims)``. This class is important for dealing with complex functionality such as viewing and representing metadata such as landmarks. Currently only 2D and 3D pointclouds are viewable. Parameters ---------- points : ``(n_points, n_dims)`` `ndarray` The array representing the points. copy : `bool`, optional If ``False``, the points will not be copied on assignment. Note that this will miss out on additional checks. Further note that we still demand that the array is C-contiguous - if it isn't, a copy will be generated anyway. In general this should only be used if you know what you are doing. """ def __init__(self, points, copy=True): super(PointCloud, self).__init__() if not copy: if not points.flags.c_contiguous: warn('The copy flag was NOT honoured. A copy HAS been made. ' 'Please ensure the data you pass is C-contiguous.') points = np.array(points, copy=True, order='C') else: points = np.array(points, copy=True, order='C') self.points = points @classmethod
[docs] def init_2d_grid(cls, shape, spacing=None): r""" Create a pointcloud that exists on a regular 2D grid. The first dimension is the number of rows in the grid and the second dimension of the shape is the number of columns. ``spacing`` optionally allows the definition of the distance between points (uniform over points). The spacing may be different for rows and columns. Parameters ---------- shape : `tuple` of 2 `int` The size of the grid to create, this defines the number of points across each dimension in the grid. The first element is the number of rows and the second is the number of columns. spacing : `int` or `tuple` of 2 `int`, optional The spacing between points. If a single `int` is provided, this is applied uniformly across each dimension. If a `tuple` is provided, the spacing is applied non-uniformly as defined e.g. ``(2, 3)`` gives a spacing of 2 for the rows and 3 for the columns. Returns ------- shape_cls : `type(cls)` A PointCloud or subclass arranged in a grid. """ if len(shape) != 2: raise ValueError('shape must be 2D.') grid = np.meshgrid(np.arange(shape[0]), np.arange(shape[1]), indexing='ij') points = np.require(np.concatenate(grid).reshape([2, -1]).T, dtype=np.float64, requirements=['C']) if spacing is not None: if not (isinstance(spacing, numbers.Number) or isinstance(spacing, collections.Sequence)): raise ValueError('spacing must be either a single number ' 'to be applied over each dimension, or a 2D ' 'sequence of numbers.') if isinstance(spacing, collections.Sequence) and len(spacing) != 2: raise ValueError('spacing must be 2D.') points *= np.asarray(spacing, dtype=np.float64) return cls(points, copy=False)
[docs] def init_from_depth_image(cls, depth_image): r""" Return a 3D point cloud from the given depth image. The depth image is assumed to represent height/depth values and the XY coordinates are assumed to unit spaced and represent image coordinates. This is particularly useful for visualising depth values that have been recovered from images. Parameters ---------- depth_image : :map:`Image` or subclass A single channel image that contains depth values - as commonly returned by RGBD cameras, for example. Returns ------- depth_cloud : ``type(cls)`` A new 3D PointCloud with unit XY coordinates and the given depth values as Z coordinates. """ from menpo.image import MaskedImage new_pcloud = cls.init_2d_grid(depth_image.shape) if isinstance(depth_image, MaskedImage): new_pcloud = new_pcloud.from_mask(depth_image.mask.as_vector()) return cls(np.hstack([new_pcloud.points, depth_image.as_vector(keep_channels=True).T]), copy=False)
[docs] def with_dims(self, dims): r""" Return a copy of this shape with only particular dimensions retained. Parameters ---------- dims : valid numpy array slice The slice that will be used on the dimensionality axis of the shape under transform. For example, to go from a 3D shape to a 2D one, [0, 1] could be provided or np.array([True, True, False]). Returns ------- copy of self, with only the requested dims """ return WithDims(dims).apply(self)
@property def lms(self): """Deprecated. Maintained for compatibility, will be removed in a future version. Returns a copy of this object, which previously would have held the 'underlying' :map:`PointCloud` subclass. :type: self """ from menpo.base import MenpoDeprecationWarning warnings.warn('The .lms property is deprecated. LandmarkGroups are ' 'now shapes themselves - so you can use them directly ' 'anywhere you previously used .lms.' 'Simply remove ".lms" from your code and things ' 'will work as expected (and this warning will go away)', MenpoDeprecationWarning) return self.copy() @property def n_points(self): r""" The number of points in the pointcloud. :type: `int` """ return self.points.shape[0] @property def n_dims(self): r""" The number of dimensions in the pointcloud. :type: `int` """ return self.points.shape[1]
[docs] def h_points(self): r""" Convert poincloud to a homogeneous array: ``(n_dims + 1, n_points)`` :type: ``type(self)`` """ return np.concatenate((self.points.T, np.ones(self.n_points, dtype=self.points.dtype)[None, :]))
[docs] def centre(self): r""" The mean of all the points in this PointCloud (centre of mass). Returns ------- centre : ``(n_dims)`` `ndarray` The mean of this PointCloud's points. """ return np.mean(self.points, axis=0)
[docs] def centre_of_bounds(self): r""" The centre of the absolute bounds of this PointCloud. Contrast with :meth:`centre`, which is the mean point position. Returns ------- centre : ``n_dims`` `ndarray` The centre of the bounds of this PointCloud. """ min_b, max_b = self.bounds() return (min_b + max_b) / 2.0
def _as_vector(self): r""" Returns a flattened representation of the pointcloud. Note that the flattened representation is of the form ``[x0, y0, x1, y1, ....., xn, yn]`` for 2D. Returns ------- flattened : ``(n_points,)`` `ndarray` The flattened points. """ return self.points.ravel()
[docs] def tojson(self): r""" Convert this :map:`PointCloud` to a dictionary representation suitable for inclusion in the LJSON landmark format. Returns ------- json : `dict` Dictionary with ``points`` keys. """ return { 'labels': [], 'landmarks': { 'points': self.points.tolist() } }
def _from_vector_inplace(self, vector): r""" Updates the points of this PointCloud in-place with the reshaped points from the provided vector. Note that the vector should have the form ``[x0, y0, x1, y1, ....., xn, yn]`` for 2D. Parameters ---------- vector : ``(n_points,)`` `ndarray` The vector from which to create the points' array. """ self.points = vector.reshape([-1, self.n_dims]) def __str__(self): return '{}: n_points: {}, n_dims: {}'.format(type(self).__name__, self.n_points, self.n_dims)
[docs] def bounds(self, boundary=0): r""" The minimum to maximum extent of the PointCloud. An optional boundary argument can be provided to expand the bounds by a constant margin. Parameters ---------- boundary : `float` A optional padding distance that is added to the bounds. Default is ``0``, meaning the max/min of tightest possible containing square/cube/hypercube is returned. Returns ------- min_b : ``(n_dims,)`` `ndarray` The minimum extent of the :map:`PointCloud` and boundary along each dimension max_b : ``(n_dims,)`` `ndarray` The maximum extent of the :map:`PointCloud` and boundary along each dimension """ min_b = np.min(self.points, axis=0) - boundary max_b = np.max(self.points, axis=0) + boundary return min_b, max_b
[docs] def range(self, boundary=0): r""" The range of the extent of the PointCloud. Parameters ---------- boundary : `float` A optional padding distance that is used to extend the bounds from which the range is computed. Default is ``0``, no extension is performed. Returns ------- range : ``(n_dims,)`` `ndarray` The range of the :map:`PointCloud` extent in each dimension. """ min_b, max_b = self.bounds(boundary) return max_b - min_b
[docs] def bounding_box(self): r""" Return a bounding box from two corner points as a directed graph. In the case of a 2D pointcloud, first point (0) should be nearest the origin. In the case of an image, this ordering would appear as: :: 0<--3 | ^ | | v | 1-->2 In the case of a pointcloud, the ordering will appear as: :: 3<--2 | ^ | | v | 0-->1 In the case of a 3D pointcloud, the first point (0) should be the near closest to the origin and the second point is the far opposite corner. Returns ------- bounding_box : :map:`PointDirectedGraph` The axis aligned bounding box of the PointCloud. """ if self.n_dims != 2 and self.n_dims != 3: raise ValueError('Bounding boxes are only supported for 2D or 3D ' 'pointclouds.') min_p, max_p = self.bounds() if self.n_dims == 2: return bounding_box(min_p, max_p) elif self.n_dims == 3: return bounding_cuboid(min_p, max_p)
[docs] def _view_2d(self, figure_id=None, new_figure=False, image_view=True, render_markers=True, marker_style='o', marker_size=5, marker_face_colour='r', marker_edge_colour='k', marker_edge_width=1., render_numbering=False, numbers_horizontal_align='center', numbers_vertical_align='bottom', numbers_font_name='sans-serif', numbers_font_size=10, numbers_font_style='normal', numbers_font_weight='normal', numbers_font_colour='k', render_axes=True, axes_font_name='sans-serif', axes_font_size=10, axes_font_style='normal', axes_font_weight='normal', axes_x_limits=None, axes_y_limits=None, axes_x_ticks=None, axes_y_ticks=None, figure_size=(7, 7), label=None, **kwargs): r""" Visualization of the PointCloud in 2D. Returns ------- figure_id : `object`, optional The id of the figure to be used. new_figure : `bool`, optional If ``True``, a new figure is created. image_view : `bool`, optional If ``True`` the PointCloud will be viewed as if it is in the image coordinate system. render_markers : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the markers will be rendered. marker_style : See Below, optional The style of the markers. Example options :: {., ,, o, v, ^, <, >, +, x, D, d, s, p, *, h, H, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8} marker_size : `int`, optional The size of the markers in points. marker_face_colour : See Below, optional The face (filling) colour of the markers. Example options :: {r, g, b, c, m, k, w} or (3, ) ndarray marker_edge_colour : See Below, optional The edge colour of the markers. Example options :: {r, g, b, c, m, k, w} or (3, ) ndarray marker_edge_width : `float`, optional The width of the markers' edge. render_numbering : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the landmarks will be numbered. numbers_horizontal_align : ``{center, right, left}``, optional The horizontal alignment of the numbers' texts. numbers_vertical_align : ``{center, top, bottom, baseline}``, optional The vertical alignment of the numbers' texts. numbers_font_name : See Below, optional The font of the numbers. Example options :: {serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy, monospace} numbers_font_size : `int`, optional The font size of the numbers. numbers_font_style : ``{normal, italic, oblique}``, optional The font style of the numbers. numbers_font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight of the numbers. Example options :: {ultralight, light, normal, regular, book, medium, roman, semibold, demibold, demi, bold, heavy, extra bold, black} numbers_font_colour : See Below, optional The font colour of the numbers. Example options :: {r, g, b, c, m, k, w} or (3, ) ndarray render_axes : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the axes will be rendered. axes_font_name : See Below, optional The font of the axes. Example options :: {serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy, monospace} axes_font_size : `int`, optional The font size of the axes. axes_font_style : {``normal``, ``italic``, ``oblique``}, optional The font style of the axes. axes_font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight of the axes. Example options :: {ultralight, light, normal, regular, book, medium, roman, semibold, demibold, demi, bold, heavy, extra bold, black} axes_x_limits : `float` or (`float`, `float`) or ``None``, optional The limits of the x axis. If `float`, then it sets padding on the right and left of the PointCloud as a percentage of the PointCloud's width. If `tuple` or `list`, then it defines the axis limits. If ``None``, then the limits are set automatically. axes_y_limits : (`float`, `float`) `tuple` or ``None``, optional The limits of the y axis. If `float`, then it sets padding on the top and bottom of the PointCloud as a percentage of the PointCloud's height. If `tuple` or `list`, then it defines the axis limits. If ``None``, then the limits are set automatically. axes_x_ticks : `list` or `tuple` or ``None``, optional The ticks of the x axis. axes_y_ticks : `list` or `tuple` or ``None``, optional The ticks of the y axis. figure_size : (`float`, `float`) `tuple` or ``None``, optional The size of the figure in inches. label : `str`, optional The name entry in case of a legend. Returns ------- viewer : :map:`PointGraphViewer2d` The viewer object. """ from menpo.visualize.base import PointGraphViewer2d adjacency_array = np.empty(0) renderer = PointGraphViewer2d(figure_id, new_figure, self.points, adjacency_array) renderer.render( image_view=image_view, render_lines=False, line_colour='b', line_style='-', line_width=1., render_markers=render_markers, marker_style=marker_style, marker_size=marker_size, marker_face_colour=marker_face_colour, marker_edge_colour=marker_edge_colour, marker_edge_width=marker_edge_width, render_numbering=render_numbering, numbers_horizontal_align=numbers_horizontal_align, numbers_vertical_align=numbers_vertical_align, numbers_font_name=numbers_font_name, numbers_font_size=numbers_font_size, numbers_font_style=numbers_font_style, numbers_font_weight=numbers_font_weight, numbers_font_colour=numbers_font_colour, render_axes=render_axes, axes_font_name=axes_font_name, axes_font_size=axes_font_size, axes_font_style=axes_font_style, axes_font_weight=axes_font_weight, axes_x_limits=axes_x_limits, axes_y_limits=axes_y_limits, axes_x_ticks=axes_x_ticks, axes_y_ticks=axes_y_ticks, figure_size=figure_size, label=label) return renderer
[docs] def _view_landmarks_2d(self, group=None, with_labels=None, without_labels=None, figure_id=None, new_figure=False, image_view=True, render_markers=True, marker_style='s', marker_size=7, marker_face_colour='k', marker_edge_colour='k', marker_edge_width=1., render_lines_lms=True, line_colour_lms=None, line_style_lms='-', line_width_lms=1, render_markers_lms=True, marker_style_lms='o', marker_size_lms=5, marker_face_colour_lms=None, marker_edge_colour_lms=None, marker_edge_width_lms=1., render_numbering=False, numbers_horizontal_align='center', numbers_vertical_align='bottom', numbers_font_name='sans-serif', numbers_font_size=10, numbers_font_style='normal', numbers_font_weight='normal', numbers_font_colour='k', render_legend=False, legend_title='', legend_font_name='sans-serif', legend_font_style='normal', legend_font_size=10, legend_font_weight='normal', legend_marker_scale=None, legend_location=2, legend_bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1.), legend_border_axes_pad=None, legend_n_columns=1, legend_horizontal_spacing=None, legend_vertical_spacing=None, legend_border=True, legend_border_padding=None, legend_shadow=False, legend_rounded_corners=False, render_axes=False, axes_font_name='sans-serif', axes_font_size=10, axes_font_style='normal', axes_font_weight='normal', axes_x_limits=None, axes_y_limits=None, axes_x_ticks=None, axes_y_ticks=None, figure_size=(7, 7)): """ Visualize the landmarks. This method will appear on the `PointCloud` as ``view_landmarks``. Parameters ---------- group : `str` or``None`` optional The landmark group to be visualized. If ``None`` and there are more than one landmark groups, an error is raised. with_labels : ``None`` or `str` or `list` of `str`, optional If not ``None``, only show the given label(s). Should **not** be used with the ``without_labels`` kwarg. without_labels : ``None`` or `str` or `list` of `str`, optional If not ``None``, show all except the given label(s). Should **not** be used with the ``with_labels`` kwarg. figure_id : `object`, optional The id of the figure to be used. new_figure : `bool`, optional If ``True``, a new figure is created. image_view : `bool`, optional If ``True`` the PointCloud will be viewed as if it is in the image coordinate system. render_markers : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the markers will be rendered. marker_style : See Below, optional The style of the markers. Example options :: {., ,, o, v, ^, <, >, +, x, D, d, s, p, *, h, H, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8} marker_size : `int`, optional The size of the markers in points. marker_face_colour : See Below, optional The face (filling) colour of the markers. Example options :: {r, g, b, c, m, k, w} or (3, ) ndarray marker_edge_colour : See Below, optional The edge colour of the markers. Example options :: {r, g, b, c, m, k, w} or (3, ) ndarray marker_edge_width : `float`, optional The width of the markers' edge. render_lines_lms : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the edges of the landmarks will be rendered. line_colour_lms : See Below, optional The colour of the lines of the landmarks. Example options:: {r, g, b, c, m, k, w} or (3, ) ndarray line_style_lms : ``{-, --, -., :}``, optional The style of the lines of the landmarks. line_width_lms : `float`, optional The width of the lines of the landmarks. render_markers : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the markers of the landmarks will be rendered. marker_style : See Below, optional The style of the markers of the landmarks. Example options :: {., ,, o, v, ^, <, >, +, x, D, d, s, p, *, h, H, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8} marker_size : `int`, optional The size of the markers of the landmarks in points. marker_face_colour : See Below, optional The face (filling) colour of the markers of the landmarks. Example options :: {r, g, b, c, m, k, w} or (3, ) ndarray marker_edge_colour : See Below, optional The edge colour of the markers of the landmarks. Example options :: {r, g, b, c, m, k, w} or (3, ) ndarray marker_edge_width : `float`, optional The width of the markers' edge of the landmarks. render_numbering : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the landmarks will be numbered. numbers_horizontal_align : ``{center, right, left}``, optional The horizontal alignment of the numbers' texts. numbers_vertical_align : ``{center, top, bottom, baseline}``, optional The vertical alignment of the numbers' texts. numbers_font_name : See Below, optional The font of the numbers. Example options :: {serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy, monospace} numbers_font_size : `int`, optional The font size of the numbers. numbers_font_style : ``{normal, italic, oblique}``, optional The font style of the numbers. numbers_font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight of the numbers. Example options :: {ultralight, light, normal, regular, book, medium, roman, semibold, demibold, demi, bold, heavy, extra bold, black} numbers_font_colour : See Below, optional The font colour of the numbers. Example options :: {r, g, b, c, m, k, w} or (3, ) ndarray render_legend : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the legend will be rendered. legend_title : `str`, optional The title of the legend. legend_font_name : See below, optional The font of the legend. Example options :: {serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy, monospace} legend_font_style : ``{normal, italic, oblique}``, optional The font style of the legend. legend_font_size : `int`, optional The font size of the legend. legend_font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight of the legend. Example options :: {ultralight, light, normal, regular, book, medium, roman, semibold, demibold, demi, bold, heavy, extra bold, black} legend_marker_scale : `float`, optional The relative size of the legend markers with respect to the original legend_location : `int`, optional The location of the legend. The predefined values are: =============== == 'best' 0 'upper right' 1 'upper left' 2 'lower left' 3 'lower right' 4 'right' 5 'center left' 6 'center right' 7 'lower center' 8 'upper center' 9 'center' 10 =============== == legend_bbox_to_anchor : (`float`, `float`) `tuple`, optional The bbox that the legend will be anchored. legend_border_axes_pad : `float`, optional The pad between the axes and legend border. legend_n_columns : `int`, optional The number of the legend's columns. legend_horizontal_spacing : `float`, optional The spacing between the columns. legend_vertical_spacing : `float`, optional The vertical space between the legend entries. legend_border : `bool`, optional If ``True``, a frame will be drawn around the legend. legend_border_padding : `float`, optional The fractional whitespace inside the legend border. legend_shadow : `bool`, optional If ``True``, a shadow will be drawn behind legend. legend_rounded_corners : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the frame's corners will be rounded (fancybox). render_axes : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the axes will be rendered. axes_font_name : See Below, optional The font of the axes. Example options :: {serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy, monospace} axes_font_size : `int`, optional The font size of the axes. axes_font_style : ``{normal, italic, oblique}``, optional The font style of the axes. axes_font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight of the axes. Example options :: {ultralight, light, normal, regular, book, medium, roman, semibold,demibold, demi, bold, heavy, extra bold, black} axes_x_limits : `float` or (`float`, `float`) or ``None``, optional The limits of the x axis. If `float`, then it sets padding on the right and left of the PointCloud as a percentage of the PointCloud's width. If `tuple` or `list`, then it defines the axis limits. If ``None``, then the limits are set automatically. axes_y_limits : (`float`, `float`) `tuple` or ``None``, optional The limits of the y axis. If `float`, then it sets padding on the top and bottom of the PointCloud as a percentage of the PointCloud's height. If `tuple` or `list`, then it defines the axis limits. If ``None``, then the limits are set automatically. axes_x_ticks : `list` or `tuple` or ``None``, optional The ticks of the x axis. axes_y_ticks : `list` or `tuple` or ``None``, optional The ticks of the y axis. figure_size : (`float`, `float`) `tuple` or ``None`` optional The size of the figure in inches. Raises ------ ValueError If both ``with_labels`` and ``without_labels`` are passed. ValueError If the landmark manager doesn't contain the provided group label. """ if not self.has_landmarks: raise ValueError('PointCloud does not have landmarks attached, ' 'unable to view landmarks.') self_view = self.view(figure_id=figure_id, new_figure=new_figure, image_view=image_view, figure_size=figure_size, render_markers=render_markers, marker_style=marker_style, marker_size=marker_size, marker_face_colour=marker_face_colour, marker_edge_colour=marker_edge_colour, marker_edge_width=marker_edge_width) # correct group label in legend if group is None: group = self.landmarks.group_labels[0] landmark_view = self.landmarks[group].view( with_labels=with_labels, without_labels=without_labels, figure_id=self_view.figure_id, new_figure=False, group=group, image_view=image_view, render_lines=render_lines_lms, line_colour=line_colour_lms, line_style=line_style_lms, line_width=line_width_lms, render_markers=render_markers_lms, marker_style=marker_style_lms, marker_size=marker_size_lms, marker_face_colour=marker_face_colour_lms, marker_edge_colour=marker_edge_colour_lms, marker_edge_width=marker_edge_width_lms, render_numbering=render_numbering, numbers_horizontal_align=numbers_horizontal_align, numbers_vertical_align=numbers_vertical_align, numbers_font_name=numbers_font_name, numbers_font_size=numbers_font_size, numbers_font_style=numbers_font_style, numbers_font_weight=numbers_font_weight, numbers_font_colour=numbers_font_colour, render_legend=render_legend, legend_title=legend_title, legend_font_name=legend_font_name, legend_font_style=legend_font_style, legend_font_size=legend_font_size, legend_font_weight=legend_font_weight, legend_marker_scale=legend_marker_scale, legend_location=legend_location, legend_bbox_to_anchor=legend_bbox_to_anchor, legend_border_axes_pad=legend_border_axes_pad, legend_n_columns=legend_n_columns, legend_horizontal_spacing=legend_horizontal_spacing, legend_vertical_spacing=legend_vertical_spacing, legend_border=legend_border, legend_border_padding=legend_border_padding, legend_shadow=legend_shadow, legend_rounded_corners=legend_rounded_corners, render_axes=render_axes, axes_font_name=axes_font_name, axes_font_size=axes_font_size, axes_font_style=axes_font_style, axes_font_weight=axes_font_weight, axes_x_limits=axes_x_limits, axes_y_limits=axes_y_limits, axes_x_ticks=axes_x_ticks, axes_y_ticks=axes_y_ticks, figure_size=figure_size) return landmark_view
def _view_3d(self, figure_id=None, new_figure=True, render_markers=True, marker_style='sphere', marker_size=None, marker_colour='r', marker_resolution=8, step=None, alpha=1.0, render_numbering=False, numbers_colour='k', numbers_size=None, **kwargs): r""" Visualization of the PointCloud in 3D. Parameters ---------- figure_id : `object`, optional The id of the figure to be used. new_figure : `bool`, optional If ``True``, a new figure is created. render_markers : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the markers will be rendered. marker_style : `str`, optional The style of the markers. Example options :: {2darrow, 2dcircle, 2dcross, 2ddash, 2ddiamond, 2dhooked_arrow, 2dsquare, 2dthick_arrow, 2dthick_cross, 2dtriangle, 2dvertex, arrow, axes, cone, cube, cylinder, point, sphere} marker_size : `float` or ``None``, optional The size of the markers. This size can be seen as a scale factor applied to the size markers, which is by default calculated from the inter-marker spacing. If ``None``, then an optimal marker size value will be set automatically. marker_colour : See Below, optional The colour of the markers. Example options :: {r, g, b, c, m, k, w} or (3, ) ndarray marker_resolution : `int`, optional The resolution of the markers. For spheres, for instance, this is the number of divisions along theta and phi. step : `int` or ``None``, optional If `int`, then one every `step` vertexes will be rendered. If ``None``, then all vertexes will be rendered. alpha : `float`, optional Defines the transparency (opacity) of the object. render_numbering : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the points will be numbered. numbers_colour : See Below, optional The colour of the numbers. Example options :: {r, g, b, c, m, k, w} or (3, ) ndarray numbers_size : `float` or ``None``, optional The size of the numbers. This size can be seen as a scale factor applied to the numbers, which is by default calculated from the inter-marker spacing. If ``None``, then an optimal numbers size value will be set automatically. Returns ------- renderer : `menpo3d.visualize.PointGraphViewer3d` The Menpo3D rendering object. """ try: from menpo3d.visualize import PointGraphViewer3d edges = np.empty(0) renderer = PointGraphViewer3d(figure_id, new_figure, self.points, edges) renderer.render( render_lines=False, render_markers=render_markers, marker_style=marker_style, marker_size=marker_size, marker_colour=marker_colour, marker_resolution=marker_resolution, step=step, alpha=alpha, render_numbering=render_numbering, numbers_colour=numbers_colour, numbers_size=numbers_size) return renderer except ImportError: from menpo.visualize import Menpo3dMissingError raise Menpo3dMissingError() def _view_landmarks_3d(self, group=None, with_labels=None, without_labels=None, figure_id=None, new_figure=True, render_lines=True, line_colour=None, line_width=4, render_markers=True, marker_style='sphere', marker_size=None, marker_colour=None, marker_resolution=8, step=None, alpha=1.0, render_numbering=False, numbers_colour='k', numbers_size=None): r""" Visualization of the PointCloud landmarks in 3D. Parameters ---------- with_labels : ``None`` or `str` or `list` of `str`, optional If not ``None``, only show the given label(s). Should **not** be used with the ``without_labels`` kwarg. without_labels : ``None`` or `str` or `list` of `str`, optional If not ``None``, show all except the given label(s). Should **not** be used with the ``with_labels`` kwarg. group : `str` or `None`, optional The landmark group to be visualized. If ``None`` and there are more than one landmark groups, an error is raised. figure_id : `object`, optional The id of the figure to be used. new_figure : `bool`, optional If ``True``, a new figure is created. render_lines : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the lines will be rendered. line_colour : See Below, optional The colour of the lines. If ``None``, a different colour will be automatically selected for each label. Example options :: {r, g, b, c, m, k, w} or (3, ) ndarray or None line_width : `float`, optional The width of the lines. render_markers : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the markers will be rendered. marker_style : `str`, optional The style of the markers. Example options :: {2darrow, 2dcircle, 2dcross, 2ddash, 2ddiamond, 2dhooked_arrow, 2dsquare, 2dthick_arrow, 2dthick_cross, 2dtriangle, 2dvertex, arrow, axes, cone, cube, cylinder, point, sphere} marker_size : `float` or ``None``, optional The size of the markers. This size can be seen as a scale factor applied to the size markers, which is by default calculated from the inter-marker spacing. If ``None``, then an optimal marker size value will be set automatically. marker_colour : See Below, optional The colour of the markers. If ``None``, a different colour will be automatically selected for each label. Example options :: {r, g, b, c, m, k, w} or (3, ) ndarray or None marker_resolution : `int`, optional The resolution of the markers. For spheres, for instance, this is the number of divisions along theta and phi. step : `int` or ``None``, optional If `int`, then one every `step` vertexes will be rendered. If ``None``, then all vertexes will be rendered. alpha : `float`, optional Defines the transparency (opacity) of the object. render_numbering : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the points will be numbered. numbers_colour : See Below, optional The colour of the numbers. Example options :: {r, g, b, c, m, k, w} or (3, ) ndarray numbers_size : `float` or ``None``, optional The size of the numbers. This size can be seen as a scale factor applied to the numbers, which is by default calculated from the inter-marker spacing. If ``None``, then an optimal numbers size value will be set automatically. Returns ------- renderer : `menpo3d.visualize.LandmarkViewer3d` The Menpo3D rendering object. """ if not self.has_landmarks: raise ValueError('PointCloud does not have landmarks attached, ' 'unable to view landmarks.') self_view = self.view(figure_id=figure_id, new_figure=new_figure) landmark_view = self.landmarks[group].view( with_labels=with_labels, without_labels=without_labels, figure_id=self_view.figure_id, new_figure=False, render_lines=render_lines, line_colour=line_colour, line_width=line_width, render_markers=render_markers, marker_style=marker_style, marker_size=marker_size, marker_colour=marker_colour, marker_resolution=marker_resolution, step=step, alpha=alpha, render_numbering=render_numbering, numbers_colour=numbers_colour, numbers_size=numbers_size) return landmark_view @viewwrapper def view_widget(self, ): r""" Abstract method for viewing with an interactive widget. See the :map:`viewwrapper` documentation for an explanation of how the `view_widget` method works. """ pass def _view_widget_2d(self, figure_size=(7, 7)): r""" Visualization of the PointCloud using an interactive widget. Parameters ---------- figure_size : (`int`, `int`), optional The initial size of the rendered figure. """ try: from menpowidgets import view_widget view_widget(self, figure_size=figure_size) except ImportError: from menpo.visualize.base import MenpowidgetsMissingError raise MenpowidgetsMissingError() def _view_widget_3d(self): r""" Visualization of the PointCloud using an interactive widget. """ try: from menpowidgets import view_widget view_widget(self) except ImportError: from menpo.visualize.base import MenpowidgetsMissingError raise MenpowidgetsMissingError() def _transform_self_inplace(self, transform): self.points = transform(self.points) return self
[docs] def distance_to(self, pointcloud, **kwargs): r""" Returns a distance matrix between this PointCloud and another. By default the Euclidean distance is calculated - see `scipy.spatial.distance.cdist` for valid kwargs to change the metric and other properties. Parameters ---------- pointcloud : :map:`PointCloud` The second pointcloud to compute distances between. This must be of the same dimension as this PointCloud. Returns ------- distance_matrix: ``(n_points, n_points)`` `ndarray` The symmetric pairwise distance matrix between the two PointClouds s.t. ``distance_matrix[i, j]`` is the distance between the i'th point of this PointCloud and the j'th point of the input PointCloud. """ if self.n_dims != pointcloud.n_dims: raise ValueError("The two PointClouds must be of the same " "dimensionality.") return cdist(self.points, pointcloud.points, **kwargs)
[docs] def norm(self, **kwargs): r""" Returns the norm of this PointCloud. This is a translation and rotation invariant measure of the point cloud's intrinsic size - in other words, it is always taken around the point cloud's centre. By default, the Frobenius norm is taken, but this can be changed by setting kwargs - see ``numpy.linalg.norm`` for valid options. Returns ------- norm : `float` The norm of this :map:`PointCloud` """ return np.linalg.norm(self.points - self.centre(), **kwargs)
[docs] def from_mask(self, mask): """ A 1D boolean array with the same number of elements as the number of points in the PointCloud. This is then broadcast across the dimensions of the PointCloud and returns a new PointCloud containing only those points that were ``True`` in the mask. Parameters ---------- mask : ``(n_points,)`` `ndarray` 1D array of booleans Returns ------- pointcloud : :map:`PointCloud` A new pointcloud that has been masked. Raises ------ ValueError Mask must have same number of points as pointcloud. """ if mask.shape[0] != self.n_points: raise ValueError('Mask must be a 1D boolean array of the same ' 'number of entries as points in this PointCloud.') pc = self.copy() pc.points = pc.points[mask, :] return pc
[docs] def constrain_to_bounds(self, bounds): r""" Returns a copy of this PointCloud, constrained to lie exactly within the given bounds. Any points outside the bounds will be 'snapped' to lie *exactly* on the boundary. Parameters ---------- bounds : ``(n_dims, n_dims)`` tuple of scalars The bounds to constrain this pointcloud within. Returns ------- constrained : :map:`PointCloud` The constrained pointcloud. """ pc = self.copy() for k in range(pc.n_dims): tmp = pc.points[:, k] tmp[tmp < bounds[0][k]] = bounds[0][k] tmp[tmp > bounds[1][k]] = bounds[1][k] pc.points[:, k] = tmp return pc