
menpo.landmark.face_ibug_68_mirrored_to_face_ibug_68(x, return_mapping=False)[source]

Apply the IBUG 68-point semantic labels, on a pointcloud that has been mirrored around the vertical axis (flipped around the Y-axis). Thus, on the flipped image the jaw etc would be the wrong way around. This rectifies that and returns a new PointCloud whereby all the points are oriented correctly.

The semantic labels applied are as follows:

  • jaw
  • left_eyebrow
  • right_eyebrow
  • nose
  • left_eye
  • right_eye
  • mouth
  • x (LandmarkGroup or PointCloud or ndarray) – The input landmark group, pointcloud or array to label. If a pointcloud is passed, then only the connectivity information is propagated to the pointcloud (a subclass of PointCloud may be returned).
  • return_mapping (bool, optional) – Only applicable if a PointCloud or ndarray is passed. Returns the mapping dictionary which maps labels to indices into the resulting PointCloud (which is then used to for building a LandmarkGroup. This parameter is only provided for internal use so that other labellers can piggyback off one another.

  • x_labelled (LandmarkGroup or PointCloud) – If a LandmarkGroup was passed, a LandmarkGroup is returned. This landmark group will contain specific labels and these labels may refer to sub-pointclouds with specific connectivity information.

    If a PointCloud was passed, a PointCloud is returned. Only the connectivity information is propagated to the pointcloud (a subclass of PointCloud may be returned).

  • mapping_dict (ordereddict {str -> int ndarray}, optional) – Only returned if return_mapping==True. Used for building LandmarkGroup.


: :map:`LabellingError` – If the given landmark group/pointcloud contains less than the expected number of points.