Source code for menpo.math.decomposition

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import issparse
from .linalg import dot_inplace_right

[docs]def eigenvalue_decomposition(C, is_inverse=False, eps=1e-10): r""" Eigenvalue decomposition of a given covariance (or scatter) matrix. Parameters ---------- C : ``(N, N)`` `ndarray` or `scipy.sparse` The Covariance/Scatter matrix. If it is a `numpy.array`, then `numpy.linalg.eigh` is used. If it is an instance of `scipy.sparse`, then `scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh` is used. If it is a precision matrix (inverse covariance), then set `is_inverse=True`. is_inverse : `bool`, optional It ``True``, then it is assumed that `C` is a precision matrix ( inverse covariance). Thus, the eigenvalues will be inverted. If ``False``, then it is assumed that `C` is a covariance matrix. eps : `float`, optional Tolerance value for positive eigenvalue. Those eigenvalues smaller than the specified eps value, together with their corresponding eigenvectors, will be automatically discarded. The final limit is computed as :: limit = np.max(np.abs(eigenvalues)) * eps Returns ------- pos_eigenvectors : ``(N, p)`` `ndarray` The matrix with the eigenvectors corresponding to positive eigenvalues. pos_eigenvalues : ``(p,)`` `ndarray` The array of positive eigenvalues. """ # compute eigenvalue decomposition if issparse(C): from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigsh eigenvalues, eigenvectors = eigsh(C, k=C.shape[0] - 1) else: eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eigh(C) # sort eigenvalues from largest to smallest index = np.argsort(eigenvalues)[::-1] eigenvalues = eigenvalues[index] eigenvectors = eigenvectors[:, index] # set tolerance limit limit = np.max(np.abs(eigenvalues)) * eps # select positive eigenvalues pos_index = eigenvalues > 0.0 pos_eigenvalues = eigenvalues[pos_index] pos_eigenvectors = eigenvectors[:, pos_index] # check they are within the expected tolerance index = pos_eigenvalues > limit pos_eigenvalues = pos_eigenvalues[index] pos_eigenvectors = pos_eigenvectors[:, index] # if C was a precision matrix (inverse covariance), then invert and re-sort # the eigenvalues if is_inverse: pos_eigenvalues = pos_eigenvalues[::-1] ** -1 pos_eigenvectors = pos_eigenvectors[:, ::-1] return pos_eigenvectors, pos_eigenvalues
[docs]def pca(X, centre=True, inplace=False, eps=1e-10): r""" Apply Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on the data matrix `X`. In the case where the data matrix is very large, it is advisable to set ``inplace = True``. However, note this destructively edits the data matrix by subtracting the mean inplace. Parameters ---------- X : ``(n_samples, n_dims)`` `ndarray` Data matrix. centre : `bool`, optional Whether to centre the data matrix. If `False`, zero will be subtracted. inplace : `bool`, optional Whether to do the mean subtracting inplace or not. This is crucial if the data matrix is greater than half the available memory size. eps : `float`, optional Tolerance value for positive eigenvalue. Those eigenvalues smaller than the specified eps value, together with their corresponding eigenvectors, will be automatically discarded. Returns ------- U (eigenvectors) : ``(``(n_components, n_dims)``)`` `ndarray` Eigenvectors of the data matrix. l (eigenvalues) : ``(n_components,)`` `ndarray` Positive eigenvalues of the data matrix. m (mean vector) : ``(n_dimensions,)`` `ndarray` Mean that was subtracted from the data matrix. """ n, d = X.shape if centre: # centre data # m (mean vector): d m = np.mean(X, axis=0) else: m = np.zeros(d, dtype=X.dtype) # This is required if the data matrix is very large! if inplace: X -= m else: X = X - m if d < n: # compute covariance matrix # C (covariance): d x d C =, X) / (n - 1) # C should be perfectly symmetrical, but numerical error can creep # in. Enforce symmetry here to avoid creating complex eigenvectors C = (C + C.conj().T) / 2.0 # perform eigenvalue decomposition # U (eigenvectors): d x n # s (eigenvalues): n U, l = eigenvalue_decomposition(C, is_inverse=False, eps=eps) # transpose U # U: n x d U = U.T else: # d > n # compute small covariance matrix # C (covariance): n x n C =, X.conj().T) / (n - 1) # C should be perfectly symmetrical, but numerical error can creep # in. Enforce symmetry here to avoid creating complex eigenvectors C = (C + C.conj().T) / 2.0 # perform eigenvalue decomposition # V (eigenvectors): n x n # s (eigenvalues): n V, l = eigenvalue_decomposition(C, is_inverse=False, eps=eps) # compute final eigenvectors # U: n x d w = np.sqrt(1.0 / ((n - 1) * l)) dot = dot_inplace_right if inplace else U = dot(V.conj().T, X) U *= w[:, None] return U, l, m # The default value of eps tolerance is set to 1e-5 (instead of 1e-10 that used # to be). This is done in order for pcacov to work for inverse single precision C # i.e. is_inverse=True and dtype=np.float32. 1e-10 works perfectly when the # covariance matrix has double precision (np.float64). However, if C has single # precision (np.float32) and is inverse, then the first two eigenvectors end up # having noise.
[docs]def pcacov(C, is_inverse=False, eps=1e-5): r""" Apply Principal Component Analysis (PCA) given a covariance/scatter matrix `C`. In the case where the data matrix is very large, it is advisable to set ``inplace = True``. However, note this destructively edits the data matrix by subtracting the mean inplace. Parameters ---------- C : ``(N, N)`` `ndarray` or `scipy.sparse` The Covariance/Scatter matrix. If it is a precision matrix (inverse covariance), then set `is_inverse=True`. is_inverse : `bool`, optional It ``True``, then it is assumed that `C` is a precision matrix ( inverse covariance). Thus, the eigenvalues will be inverted. If ``False``, then it is assumed that `C` is a covariance matrix. eps : `float`, optional Tolerance value for positive eigenvalue. Those eigenvalues smaller than the specified eps value, together with their corresponding eigenvectors, will be automatically discarded. Returns ------- U (eigenvectors) : ``(n_components, n_dims)`` `ndarray` Eigenvectors of the data matrix. l (eigenvalues) : ``(n_components,)`` `ndarray` Positive eigenvalues of the data matrix. """ if C.shape[0] != C.shape[1]: raise ValueError('C must be square.') # C should be perfectly symmetrical, but numerical error can creep in. # Enforce symmetry here to avoid creating complex eigenvectors C = (C + C.conj().T) / 2.0 # C (covariance): d x d # perform eigenvalue decomposition # U (eigenvectors): d x n # s (eigenvalues): n U, l = eigenvalue_decomposition(C, is_inverse=is_inverse, eps=eps) # transpose U # U: n x d U = U.conj().T return U, l
[docs]def ipca(B, U_a, l_a, n_a, m_a=None, f=1.0, eps=1e-10): r""" Perform Incremental PCA on the eigenvectors ``U_a``, eigenvalues ``l_a`` and mean vector ``m_a`` (if present) given a new data matrix ``B``. Parameters ---------- B : ``(n_samples, n_dims)`` `ndarray` New data matrix. U_a : ``(n_components, n_dims)`` `ndarray` Eigenvectors to be updated. l_a : (n_components) `ndarray` Eigenvalues to be updated. n_a : `int` Total number of samples used to produce U_a, s_a and m_a. m_a : ``(n_dims,)`` `ndarray`, optional Mean to be updated. If ``None`` or ``(n_dims,)`` `ndarray` filled with 0s the data matrix will not be centred. f : ``[0, 1]`` `float`, optional Forgetting factor that weights the relative contribution of new samples vs old samples. If 1.0, all samples are weighted equally and, hence, the results is the exact same as performing batch PCA on the concatenated list of old and new simples. If <1.0, more emphasis is put on the new samples. See [1] for details. eps : `float`, optional Tolerance value for positive eigenvalue. Those eigenvalues smaller than the specified eps value, together with their corresponding eigenvectors, will be automatically discarded. Returns ------- U (eigenvectors) : ``(n_components, n_dims)`` `ndarray` Updated eigenvectors. s (eigenvalues) : ``(n_components,)`` `ndarray` Updated positive eigenvalues. m (mean vector) : ``(n_dims,)`` `ndarray` Updated mean. References ---------- .. [1] David Ross, Jongwoo Lim, Ruei-Sung Lin, Ming-Hsuan Yang. "Incremental Learning for Robust Visual Tracking". IJCV, 2007. """ # multiply current eigenvalues by total number of samples and square # root them to obtain singular values of the original data. s_a = np.sqrt((n_a - 1) * l_a) # obtain number of dimensions and number of samples of new data. n_b, d = B.shape # multiply the number of samples of the original data by the forgetting # factor n_a *= f # total number of samples n = n_a + n_b if m_a is not None and not np.all(m_a == 0): # centred ipca; compute mean of new data m_b = np.mean(B, axis=0) # compute new mean m = (n_a / n) * m_a + (n_b / n) * m_b # centre new data B = B - m_b # augment centred data with extra sample B = np.vstack((B, np.sqrt((n_a * n_b) / n) * (m_b - m_a))) else: m = np.zeros(d, dtype=B.dtype) # project out current eigenspace out of data matrix PB = B - # orthogonalise the previous projection using QR B_tilde = np.linalg.qr(PB.T)[0].T # form R matrix S_a = np.diag(s_a) R = np.hstack((np.vstack((f * S_a,, np.vstack((np.zeros((S_a.shape[0], B_tilde.shape[0]), dtype=B.dtype), # compute SVD of R U_tilde, s_tilde, Vt_tilde = np.linalg.svd(R) # compute new eigenvalues l = s_tilde ** 2 / (n - 1) # keep only positive eigenvalues within tolerance l = l[l > eps] U =, B_tilde)))[:len(l), :] return U, l, m