Source code for menpo.transform.groupalign.procrustes

import numpy as np

from ..homogeneous import AlignmentSimilarity
from .base import MultipleAlignment

avoid_circular = None      # to avoid circular imports
mean_pointcloud = None     # to avoid circular imports
PointCloud = None          # to avoid circular imports
scale_about_centre = None  # to avoid circular imports

[docs]class GeneralizedProcrustesAnalysis(MultipleAlignment): r""" Class for aligning multiple source shapes between them. After construction, the :map:`AlignmentSimilarity` transforms used to map each `source` optimally to the `target` can be found at `transforms`. Parameters ---------- sources : `list` of :map:`PointCloud` List of pointclouds to be aligned. target : :map:`PointCloud`, optional The target :map:`PointCloud` to align each source to. If ``None``, then the mean of the sources is used. allow_mirror : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the Kabsch algorithm check is not performed, and mirroring of the Rotation matrix is permitted. Raises ------ ValueError Need at least two sources to align """ def __init__(self, sources, target=None, allow_mirror=False): super(GeneralizedProcrustesAnalysis, self).__init__(sources, target=target) initial_target = self.transforms = [AlignmentSimilarity(source,, allow_mirror=allow_mirror) for source in self.sources] self.initial_target_scale = self.n_iterations = 1 self.max_iterations = 100 self.converged = self._recursive_procrustes() if target is not None: = initial_target def _recursive_procrustes(self): r""" Recursively calculates a procrustes alignment. """ global mean_pointcloud, PointCloud, scale_about_centre, avoid_circular if avoid_circular is None: from menpo.shape import mean_pointcloud, PointCloud from ..compositions import scale_about_centre avoid_circular = True if self.n_iterations > self.max_iterations: return False new_tgt = mean_pointcloud([PointCloud(t.aligned_source().points, copy=False) for t in self.transforms]) # rescale the new_target to be the same size as the original about # it's centre rescale = scale_about_centre(new_tgt, self.initial_target_scale / new_tgt.norm()) rescale._apply_inplace(new_tgt) # check to see if we have converged yet delta_target = np.linalg.norm( - new_tgt.points) if delta_target < 1e-6: return True else: self.n_iterations += 1 for t in self.transforms: t.set_target(new_tgt) = new_tgt return self._recursive_procrustes()
[docs] def mean_aligned_shape(self): r""" Returns the mean of the aligned shapes. :type: :map:`PointCloud` """ from menpo.shape import PointCloud return PointCloud(np.mean([ for t in self.transforms], axis=0))
[docs] def mean_alignment_error(self): r""" Returns the average error of the recursive procrustes alignment. :type: `float` """ return sum([t.alignment_error() for t in self.transforms])/self.n_sources
def __str__(self): if self.converged: return ('Converged after %d iterations with av. error %f' % (self.n_iterations, self.mean_alignment_error())) else: return ('Failed to converge after %d iterations with av. error ' '%f' % (self.n_iterations, self.mean_alignment_error()))