Source code for menpo.shape.mesh.coloured

import numpy as np

from ..adjacency import mask_adjacency_array, reindex_adjacency_array
from .base import TriMesh

[docs]class ColouredTriMesh(TriMesh): r""" Combines a :map:`TriMesh` with a colour per vertex. Parameters ---------- points : ``(n_points, n_dims)`` `ndarray` The array representing the points. trilist : ``(M, 3)`` `ndarray` or ``None``, optional The triangle list. If `None`, a Delaunay triangulation of the points will be used instead. colours : ``(N, 3)`` `ndarray`, optional The floating point RGB colour per vertex. If not given, grey will be assigned to each vertex. copy: `bool`, optional If ``False``, the points, trilist and colours will not be copied on assignment. In general this should only be used if you know what you are doing. Raises ------ ValueError If the number of colour values does not match the number of vertices. """ def __init__(self, points, trilist=None, colours=None, copy=True): TriMesh.__init__(self, points, trilist=trilist, copy=copy) # Handle the settings of colours, either be provided a default grey # set of colours, or copy the given array if necessary if colours is None: # default to grey colours_handle = np.ones_like(points, dtype=np.float) * 0.5 elif not copy: colours_handle = colours else: colours_handle = colours.copy() if points.shape[0] != colours.shape[0]: raise ValueError('Must provide a colour per-vertex.') self.colours = colours_handle
[docs] def from_mask(self, mask): """ A 1D boolean array with the same number of elements as the number of points in the ColouredTriMesh. This is then broadcast across the dimensions of the mesh and returns a new mesh containing only those points that were ``True`` in the mask. Parameters ---------- mask : ``(n_points,)`` `ndarray` 1D array of booleans Returns ------- mesh : :map:`ColouredTriMesh` A new mesh that has been masked. """ if mask.shape[0] != self.n_points: raise ValueError('Mask must be a 1D boolean array of the same ' 'number of entries as points in this ' 'ColouredTriMesh.') ctm = self.copy() if np.all(mask): # Fast path for all true return ctm else: # Recalculate the mask to remove isolated vertices isolated_mask = self._isolated_mask(mask) # Recreate the adjacency array with the updated mask masked_adj = mask_adjacency_array(isolated_mask, self.trilist) ctm.trilist = reindex_adjacency_array(masked_adj) ctm.points = ctm.points[isolated_mask, :] ctm.colours = ctm.colours[isolated_mask, :] return ctm
def _view_3d(self, figure_id=None, new_figure=False, coloured=True, **kwargs): r""" Visualize the :map:`ColouredTriMesh` in 3D. Parameters ---------- figure_id : `object`, optional The id of the figure to be used. new_figure : `bool`, optional If ``True``, a new figure is created. coloured : `bool`, optional If `True`, render the colours. Returns ------- viewer : :map:`Renderer` The viewer object. """ if coloured: try: from menpo3d.visualize import ColouredTriMeshViewer3d return ColouredTriMeshViewer3d( figure_id, new_figure, self.points, self.trilist, self.colours).render(**kwargs) except ImportError: from menpo.visualize import Menpo3dMissingError raise Menpo3dMissingError() else: return super(ColouredTriMesh, self).view(figure_id=figure_id, new_figure=new_figure, **kwargs)
[docs] def _view_2d(self, figure_id=None, new_figure=False, image_view=True, render_lines=True, line_colour='r', line_style='-', line_width=1., render_markers=True, marker_style='o', marker_size=20, marker_face_colour='k', marker_edge_colour='k', marker_edge_width=1., render_axes=True, axes_font_name='sans-serif', axes_font_size=10, axes_font_style='normal', axes_font_weight='normal', axes_x_limits=None, axes_y_limits=None, figure_size=(10, 8), label=None): r""" Visualization of the TriMesh in 2D. Currently, explicit coloured TriMesh viewing is not supported, and therefore viewing falls back to uncoloured 2D TriMesh viewing. Returns ------- figure_id : `object`, optional The id of the figure to be used. new_figure : `bool`, optional If ``True``, a new figure is created. image_view : `bool`, optional If ``True`` the ColouredTriMesh will be viewed as if it is in the image coordinate system. render_lines : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the edges will be rendered. line_colour : See Below, optional The colour of the lines. Example options:: {r, g, b, c, m, k, w} or (3, ) ndarray line_style : ``{-, --, -., :}``, optional The style of the lines. line_width : `float`, optional The width of the lines. render_markers : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the markers will be rendered. marker_style : See Below, optional The style of the markers. Example options :: {., ,, o, v, ^, <, >, +, x, D, d, s, p, *, h, H, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8} marker_size : `int`, optional The size of the markers in points^2. marker_face_colour : See Below, optional The face (filling) colour of the markers. Example options :: {r, g, b, c, m, k, w} or (3, ) ndarray marker_edge_colour : See Below, optional The edge colour of the markers. Example options :: {r, g, b, c, m, k, w} or (3, ) ndarray marker_edge_width : `float`, optional The width of the markers' edge. render_axes : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the axes will be rendered. axes_font_name : See Below, optional The font of the axes. Example options :: {serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy, monospace} axes_font_size : `int`, optional The font size of the axes. axes_font_style : {``normal``, ``italic``, ``oblique``}, optional The font style of the axes. axes_font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight of the axes. Example options :: {ultralight, light, normal, regular, book, medium, roman, semibold, demibold, demi, bold, heavy, extra bold, black} axes_x_limits : (`float`, `float`) `tuple` or ``None``, optional The limits of the x axis. axes_y_limits : (`float`, `float`) `tuple` or ``None``, optional The limits of the y axis. figure_size : (`float`, `float`) `tuple` or ``None``, optional The size of the figure in inches. label : `str`, optional The name entry in case of a legend. Returns ------- viewer : :map:`PointGraphViewer2d` The viewer object. Raises ------ warning 2D Viewing of Coloured TriMeshes is not supported, automatically falls back to 2D :map:`TriMesh` viewing. """ import warnings warnings.warn(Warning('2D Viewing of Coloured TriMeshes is not ' 'supported, falling back to TriMesh viewing.')) return TriMesh._view_2d( self, figure_id=figure_id, new_figure=new_figure, image_view=image_view, render_lines=render_lines, line_colour=line_colour, line_style=line_style, line_width=line_width, render_markers=render_markers, marker_style=marker_style, marker_size=marker_size, marker_face_colour=marker_face_colour, marker_edge_colour=marker_edge_colour, marker_edge_width=marker_edge_width, render_axes=render_axes, axes_font_name=axes_font_name, axes_font_size=axes_font_size, axes_font_style=axes_font_style, axes_font_weight=axes_font_weight, axes_x_limits=axes_x_limits, axes_y_limits=axes_y_limits, figure_size=figure_size, label=label)