Source code for menpo.transform.homogeneous.rotation

import numpy as np

from .base import HomogFamilyAlignment
from .affine import DiscreteAffine
from .similarity import Similarity

def optimal_rotation_matrix(source, target):
    Performs an SVD on the corrolation matrix to find an optimal rotation
    between source and target


    source: :class:`menpo.shape.PointCloud`
        The source points to be aligned

    target: :class:`menpo.shape.PointCloud`
        The target points to be aligned


        The optimal square rotation matrix
    correlation =, source.points)
    U, D, Vt = np.linalg.svd(correlation)
    return, Vt)

# TODO build rotations about axis, euler angles etc
# see
# for details

[docs]class Rotation(DiscreteAffine, Similarity): r""" Abstract `n_dims` rotation transform. Parameters ---------- rotation_matrix : (D, D) `ndarray` A valid, square rotation matrix """ def __init__(self, rotation_matrix, skip_checks=False): h_matrix = np.eye(rotation_matrix.shape[0] + 1) Similarity.__init__(self, h_matrix, copy=False, skip_checks=True) self.set_rotation_matrix(rotation_matrix, skip_checks=skip_checks) @classmethod
[docs] def from_2d_ccw_angle(cls, theta, degrees=True): r""" Convenience constructor for 2D CCW rotations about the origin Parameters ---------- theta : `float` The angle of rotation about the origin degrees : `bool`, optional If ``True`` theta is interpreted as a degree. If ``False``, theta is interpreted as radians. Returns ------- rotation : :map:`Rotation` A 2D rotation transform. """ if degrees: # convert to radians theta = theta * np.pi / 180.0 return Rotation(np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)], [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]]))
@classmethod def identity(cls, n_dims): return Rotation(np.eye(n_dims)) @property def rotation_matrix(self): r""" The rotation matrix. :type: (D, D) `ndarray` """ return self.linear_component def set_rotation_matrix(self, value, skip_checks=False): if not skip_checks: shape = value.shape if len(shape) != 2 and shape[0] != shape[1]: raise ValueError("You need to provide a square rotation matrix") # The update better be the same size elif self.n_dims != shape[0]: raise ValueError("Trying to update the rotation " "matrix to a different dimension") # TODO actually check I am a valid rotation # TODO slightly dodgy here accessing _h_matrix self._h_matrix[:-1, :-1] = value def _transform_str(self): axis, rad_angle_of_rotation = self.axis_and_angle_of_rotation() if axis is None: return "NO OP" angle_of_rot = (rad_angle_of_rotation * 180.0) / np.pi message = ('CCW Rotation of {:.1f} degrees ' 'about {}'.format(angle_of_rot,axis)) return message
[docs] def axis_and_angle_of_rotation(self): r""" Abstract method for computing the axis and angle of rotation. Returns ------- axis : (D,) ndarray The unit vector representing the axis of rotation angle_of_rotation : double The angle in radians of the rotation about the axis. The angle is signed in a right handed sense. """ if self.n_dims == 2: return self._axis_and_angle_of_rotation_2d() elif self.n_dims == 3: return self._axis_and_angle_of_rotation_3d()
def _axis_and_angle_of_rotation_2d(self): r""" Decomposes this Rotation's rotation matrix into a angular rotation The rotation is considered in a right handed sense. The axis is, by definition, [0, 0, 1]. Returns ------- axis : (2,) ndarray The vector representing the axis of rotation angle_of_rotation : double The angle in radians of the rotation about the axis. The angle is signed in a right handed sense. """ axis = np.array([0, 0, 1]) test_vector = np.array([1, 0]) transformed_vector =, test_vector) angle_of_rotation = np.arccos(, test_vector)) return axis, angle_of_rotation def _axis_and_angle_of_rotation_3d(self): r""" Decomposes this 3D rotation's rotation matrix into a angular rotation about an axis. The rotation is considered in a right handed sense. Returns ------- axis : (3,) ndarray A unit vector, the axis about which the rotation takes place angle_of_rotation : double The angle in radians of the rotation about the `axis`. The angle is signed in a right handed sense. References ---------- .. [1] """ eval_, evec = np.linalg.eig(self.rotation_matrix) real_eval_mask = np.isreal(eval_) real_eval = np.real(eval_[real_eval_mask]) evec_with_real_eval = np.real_if_close(evec[:, real_eval_mask]) error = 1e-7 below_margin = np.abs(real_eval) < (1 + error) above_margin = (1 - error) < np.abs(real_eval) re_unit_eval_mask = np.logical_and(below_margin, above_margin) evec_with_real_unitary_eval = evec_with_real_eval[:, re_unit_eval_mask] # all the eigenvectors with real unitary eigenvalues are now all # equally 'valid' if multiple remain that probably means that this # rotation is actually a no op (i.e. rotate by 360 degrees about any # axis is an invariant transform) but need to check this. For now, # just take the first if evec_with_real_unitary_eval.shape[1] != 1: # TODO confirm that multiple eigenvalues of 1 means the rotation # does nothing return None, None axis = evec_with_real_unitary_eval[:, 0] axis /= np.sqrt((axis ** 2).sum()) # normalize to unit vector # to find the angle of rotation, build a new unit vector perpendicular # to the axis, and see how it rotates axis_temp_vector = axis - np.random.rand(axis.size) perpendicular_vector = np.cross(axis, axis_temp_vector) perpendicular_vector /= np.sqrt((perpendicular_vector ** 2).sum()) transformed_vector =, perpendicular_vector) angle_of_rotation = np.arccos(, perpendicular_vector)) chirality_of_rotation =, np.cross(perpendicular_vector, transformed_vector)) if chirality_of_rotation < 0: angle_of_rotation *= -1.0 return axis, angle_of_rotation @property def n_parameters(self): raise NotImplementedError("Rotations are not yet vectorizable") def _as_vector(self): r""" Return the parameters of the transform as a 1D array. These parameters are parametrised as deltas from the identity warp. The parameters are output in the order [theta]. +----------+--------------------------------------------+ |parameter | definition | +==========+============================================+ |theta | The angle of rotation around `[0, 0, 1]` | +----------+--------------------------------------------+ Returns ------- theta : double Angle of rotation around axis. Right-handed. """ # TODO vectorizable rotations raise NotImplementedError("Rotations are not yet vectorizable")
[docs] def from_vector_inplace(self, p): r""" Returns an instance of the transform from the given parameters, expected to be in Fortran ordering. Supports rebuilding from 2D parameter sets. 2D Rotation: 1 parameter:: [theta] Parameters ---------- p : (1,) ndarray The array of parameters. Returns ------- transform : :class:`Rotation2D` The transform initialised to the given parameters. """ raise NotImplementedError("Rotations are not yet vectorizable")
@property def composes_inplace_with(self): return Rotation
[docs] def pseudoinverse(self): r""" The inverse rotation matrix. :type: (D, D) ndarray """ return Rotation(np.linalg.inv(self.rotation_matrix), skip_checks=True)
[docs]class AlignmentRotation(HomogFamilyAlignment, Rotation): def __init__(self, source, target): HomogFamilyAlignment.__init__(self, source, target) Rotation.__init__(self, optimal_rotation_matrix(source, target)) def set_rotation_matrix(self, value, skip_checks=False): Rotation.set_rotation_matrix(self, value, skip_checks=skip_checks) self._sync_target_from_state() def _sync_state_from_target(self): r = optimal_rotation_matrix(self.source, Rotation.set_rotation_matrix(self, r, skip_checks=True)
[docs] def as_non_alignment(self): r"""Returns a copy of this rotation without it's alignment nature. Returns ------- transform : :map:`Rotation` A version of this rotation with the same transform behavior but without the alignment logic. """ return Rotation(self.rotation_matrix, skip_checks=True)